Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It’s Christmas time!! The best time and much waited for by children in the village I used to live. All year through all children in the community look forward to only one day, the best of all the days in a year- CHRISTMAS. It is supposed to be full of joy, fun and merriment. It sure used to be. Streets are filled with the sound of Christmas songs and musics. Only problem used to be that it come only once a year and it seems to be so short when it comes and take too long to come back for us children.

Families started to prepare as early as possible and the talk about what to be bought for children fills the air. Each home tries to make sure they have enough money for the Christmas shopping. Christmas is in the air and in the hearts of everyone.

Our parents make sure we get the best of everything at Christmas. All children believe we receive the best gifts!!! The truth is what ever we got for Christmas was simply the best, at least for us, as it is the best our parents afford to give us. I remember having the biggest balloon in the whole village one Christmas; I was proud of it and remember enjoy playing with it with my firends. Unfortuantely it easily burst. Worldly gifts and joy are such.

Christmas is in fact about the best gift from God: The only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who came to earth as a gift from a loving Father. He is incarnate to give us eternal life. To all who search and seek Him and accept Him as saviour He grants them life eternal! No matter our condition; regardless of our ethnic background; rich or poor doesn’t count the only condition to receive this Heavenly gift is the willingness to receive it. How wonderful!!!
I often wonder how preparations will be underway when Christ our Lord offers to come for us. Even angels long to look into these things (1Peter 1:12). We are gifted with even heavenly beings would long to look into!! I am sure this Christmas you will be able to recognize the true meaning of it all. Mojarity of Jesus time failed to recognize Him. The truth is revealed to us clearly let us not make mistake like them. May you grasp the full meaning of what St. John’s Gospel shared to us- “He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:10-14)

May you see the glory of Jesus in its fullness, the best gift of God to mankind.

Wish you all Merry Christmas. Make sure it is time for the best.


Varte said...

"Families started to prepare as early as possible"... but never have enough time to finish preparations and lo!!!! christmas has arrived like Thangawk ang phutin...

LeaszRalte said...

People recall the past when the special occasion waves. I sympathized your situation, being far away home,its true naturally to recall when the season comes. I thought that you are longing to say, "We are flying, we are flying...Home again, across the sea...across the cloudy sky...to be with you..to be with our dear boys.

Kiamlova said...

Incarnation is the best way ever known means to help people come out of their wretched situation. That was chosen by God for Jesus to be. So is what you are doing now!! The Lord is with you both. May He grant you the same Christmas joy that you had in your childhood years.

Zairemthiama Pachuau said...

Unlike what you are experiencing now over there,the season here in the Southern hemisphere of the globe is not very 'typical' of what I used to know as Christmas during my childhood. Because now is our summer season. The whole family here miss the Wintry Chrismassy feelings which is in your possession.

Your post is clasically nice and inspiring. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!